Friday, July 31, 2009
Broadened My Views?
Well, I don't have to spend the night with the devil to know he is "evil".
I could not believe his poll question on Wednesday:
Do you think the "Right Wing's" verbal attacks on President Obama is:
a) free speech b) hate speech
Only a liberal would have to ask this question. . . .because 95% of Americans know that "free speech" is a still a "Constitutional Right" in this country, of course, not all of us get a "thrill/tingle going up their leg" like Chris Matthews of MSNBC , does every time he hears Obama speak.
Ed was all over Glenn Beck, because Glenn had called Obama a racist, due to what he said about the "white" cops acting "stupidly". Then tonite he had a picture of Sarah Palin with the caption "Airhead America", due to her wanting to have her own radio show. . . . Do you think Ed would have said this about a man? Is Ed a sexist?
Ed is totally against the "blue dog democrats" because he feels they are holding up Obamacare. . . .(way to go blue dogs)
No wonder Rush Limbaugh is rated #1 on the radio. Ed Schultz is rated #50, and I guess he's worried he'll be #51 if Sarah Palin decides to be a radio jockette.
Every night I watched his show, Ed degraded the "American Tea Partiers" and anyone that doesn't believe in Obama's Socialist views as "hate mongers" and a part of the "lunatic fringe".
So, Little Brother, The "Factor" with Bill O'Reilly is about as liberal as I can take. . . .
Dropping Baby Syndrome?
The ritual at the Baba Umer Durga, a Muslim shrine, is believed to have been followed for nearly 700 years, and each year hundreds of people, both Hindus and Muslims, take part in the ritual.
Local officials told television news stations there had been no reports of injuries.
The infants, mostly under two years old, were dangled Thursday from the roof of the shrine near Sholapur, about 280 miles south of Mumbai, before being dropped about 50 feet onto a bedsheet held aloft by parents and other believers.
This article is evidence why India is still considered a "Third World Country", and it also shows the difference between a "Civilized Society" and a "Chaotic Society". India has also allowed the "Muslim Extremists" to further corrupt their former "Hindu Nation".
We do everything we can to protect our children, and if you believe "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" just put her child in harm's way. When I read this article where parents deliberately encouraged their two year olds to "being dropped about 50 feet onto a bedsheet" for "good health and prosperity for their families" it is just beyond my comprehension.
Remember the outrage heard around the world when Michael Jackson dangled his infant son off the balcony in Berlin, Germany back in 2002? He was rightly condemned even after the incident when he stated: "I got caught up in the excitement of the moment. I would never intentionally endanger the lives of my children."
I remember going to an old fashion "Tent Revival" on Buckner Blvd back in the 60's. They showed a film about how in India they had millions of people starving to death, even when there were healthy cows running all around. They wouldn't even swat the flies that were covering their bodies, because they believed these animals could be reincarnated relatives. As a small child I thought they were primitive, and now as an adult I believe they have made very little progress.
By the way. . . .What "thread count" of bedsheet would you trust to catch your 25-35 pound toddler being tossed down 50 feet?
“And inasmuch as it is appointed for men TO DIE ONCE and after this comes judgment". . . . Hebrews 9:27,2933,535845,00.html?test=latestnews
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Beer Summit?

Definition of Beer Summit:
The meeting of President Obama and any parties for which an injustice has occurred. This meeting must take place in the White House and be broadcast throughout the media.
Professor Gates and James Crowley invited to the White House for a beer summit to make amends for the misunderstanding.
Quarterback Michael Vick?
Last night on "The Ed Show" I watched, Michael McGraw, a PETA representative say that Michael Vick does not deserve a second chance until he goes through extensive "psychological evaluations" and a "brain scan" to show that he is truly "remorseful".
Is there a test now that shows you are "remorseful"? Is PETA now the "thought" police, or have they been playing too many quizzes on Facebook?
Michael Vick has paid his debt to society for his part in the "dog fighting" ring, and it is not justice for him to be condemned forever. No one condones his past actions, but he needs the opportunity to make a living and PETA wants to deny him that.
Michael Vick has lost over $130 million dollars and served his 18 months in jail, so give the man a second chance.
If you don't agree with his punishment. . . don't watch/go to his games or do you need a "psychological evaluation" and a "brain scan" to figure that out?
Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past. . . . Tyron Edwards
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. . . .Romans 3:23
Sarah Palin. . .Telling It Like It Is

Now I don't think I could look "Bambi" in the eye and pull the trigger, but I am a strong believer in the 2nd Amendment.
We all need to continue to fight for our Constitutional "Right to Keep and Bear Arms", not only for the avid hunters of our great nation, but also for the protection of our families.
(p.s. . . .little brother, I sure love to eat those "Venison" poppers that you hunt and share with all your family.)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Liberals Wage War on Hot Dogs

This Texas girl says:

Here are a few highlights from the first 500 pages of the Obamacare bill that is currently being debated in congress, 500 more pages are to be reviewed by Peter Fleckenstein of Phoenix, AZ (his interpretation may not be perfect, but at least he is reading it and our congress has not):
Page 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed!
Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)
Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard.
Page 195: Officers and employees of Government Healthcare Bureaucracy will have access to ALL American financial and personal records.
Page 272: Cancer patients: welcome to the wonderful world of rationing!
Page 298: Doctors: if you treat a patient during an initial admission that results in a readmission, you will be penalized by the government.
Page 354: Government will restrict enrollment of SPECIAL NEEDS individuals.
Page 425: More bureaucracy: Advance Care Planning Consult: Senior Citizens, assisted suicide, euthanasia?
Page 427: Government mandates program that orders end-of-life treatment; government dictates how your life ends
Where have we heard these types of tactics before?
When Obama states that he has to make "tough choices" in American's medical care - will that include members of your family being denied life-saving treatment, because to quote from the Nazi era they are "useless eaters" or "imperfect people"
Of course our Government knows that every human body is identical and what works to repair one human being will work to fix them all. . . .Yeah right. . . .This healthcare bill will produce infacide/eldercide. They may not be taking anyone to the ovens, but if denying care = death, isn't it the same thing.
Does the US Healthcare system need some type of reform? Yes, but to improve healthcare not to destroy it.
If you don't believe me that this sounds of Nazism read the following quotes from the Nazi Extermination letters to the Reich Minister:
"a law that would give everyone the assurance of careful examination as to whether he is due to die or entitled to live"
"the systematic extermination of lunatics, feeble-minded and epileptic persons. Since then this practice has reached tremendous proportions: recently the inmates of old-age homes have also been included. The basis for this practice seems to be that in an efficient nation there should be no room for weak and frail people." "rational utility," a Hegelian, Benthamite doctrine which led to the designation of increasingly large portions of the population to be treated as animals, and slated to be killed, because they took up too many resources of the society, or were otherwise undesirable.
Monday, July 27, 2009
History of the World. . . . .
"If they could move faster on this they would, but it's why this country is so special and so unique in all of human history because it was founded on the exact opposite pretense and purpose, individual liberty and freedom, a Constitution that tells the government what it cannot do to us and to the citizens. And, of course, Obama and his buds think of the Constitution as consisting of negative rights, meaning it doesn't say what the government can do for us or to us."
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Texas or Bust. . . .
Renting the same truck to go from San Francisco to Austin? About $3,000. In the great balance of supply and demand, California has a large supply of people who are demanding to move to Texas.
To read the full article on why people and companies are flocking to Texas go to:
Who's on First?
It's not so funny in 2009, when you hear conflicting statements from President Obama and Vice President Biden concerning the $787 Billion Dollar Stimulus Package (your tax dollars) that had to be passed immediately in February 2009, or we would all be standing in food lines, the crops would dry up, and the sun would no longer shine. . . .
President Obama, 11/24/08: ". . . .we need a big stimulus package that will jolt the economy back into shape. . . . "
President Obama, 2/09: "the federal government is the only entity left with the resources to jolt our economy back to life."
Vice President Biden, New York Times, 7/26/09: "The act was intended to provide steady support for our economy over an extended period - not a jolt that would last only a few months."
In the five months since the stimulus bill passed, only 10% of the money has been spent to stimulate the economy? "The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing" in Washington, DC. . . .
To "jolt", or "not to jolt": the "economy". . . . now that is the question
The 47 Million "Uninsured" Americans. . . .
I guess I am currently #4 in the picture - I am in between jobs and only temporarily unemployed. . . .
Luckily, I am able to drive 4 hours to the Choctaw Indian Hospital in Oklahoma to get free medical care. . . .but unfortunately, it gives you a taste of what government run health care will be like.
When I went in February, I had a checkup and every medicine that I was currently on was not on their list, so they had to prescribe something else. No Xanax are you kidding me. . . . Unless you live within a certain 12 county area they will only fill or pull your teeth and when I called to get an eye care appointment there is a 6 month waiting period.
There are some good points: They have great hospital and a $5 per night hospitality house, and for 6 months all I had to do was call in my prescription number and they would mail my medicine directly to the house.
My Choctaw related family members have been able to get free medical treatment for decades where otherwise they had no options. My parents, being on a fixed income could not have survived financially without the Choctaws and Veterans.
I am really thankful in my hour of need, but no matter how you dice it or slice it. . . .it does not compare to going to the local doctor of my choice, paying my $25.00 co-payment and running to Walgreens to fill my prescription.
So please, continue to go to Choctaw Bingo and the Choctaw Casinos, because our lives just might depend on it. . . . .
Please Say it Ain't So. . . . .
Michael Jackson's Prosthetic Nose Goes Missing
RUSH LIMBAUGH on 7/24/09: Ladies and gentlemen, the prosthetic nose of Michael Jackson is missing. This is from the New York Post. "Michael Jackson wore a prosthetic nose, according a report -- and it was missing from his surgically mangled face as he lay in an LA morgue. Left behind was a small, dark hole surrounded by bits of cartilage, Rolling Stone magazine." This is morbid. Wouldn't you like to be the person that has the nose? Can you imagine, Michael Jackson's nose on eBay someday? "I'm holding the nose of Michael Jackson, and you can have it for..."
Texas vs. the 10th Amendment . .
Now lets see, where I have heard talk like this before concerning "States Rights". . . . Oh yeah. . . .
Saturday, July 25, 2009
July 25, 2009. . . . . .
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Thrill of Victory or Just Accept Defeat?
Then what the heck is our goal in Afghanistan? The opposite of "Victory" is "Defeat" is that our goal? Is our goal to give a little butt whipping and then retreat?
We have had thousands of American Soldiers die or wounded in Afghanistan. Many Soldiers are still haunted by the memories of the intense battles they had to engage in with this enemy and now their Commander-in-Chief says this.
In this war, is it more difficult to identify to enemy? Yes, of course, but anytime you have American Soldiers put their lives on the line to protect Americans from future attacks like 9/11 your #1 goal should be "VICTORY".
"We're not dealing with nation states at this point. We're concerned with Al Qaeda and the Taliban, Al Qaeda's allies". . . .
This statement proves the Bush Administration's argument that you do not have to give Geneva Convention status to Al Qaeda prisoners captured on the battlefield, because according to John Yoo and James Ho: "In short, the United States government has concluded that the attacks of September 11 have placed the United States in a state of armed conflict, to which the laws of war apply. It has also determined that members of the al Qaeda terrorist network and the Taliban militia are illegal combatants under the laws of war, and so cannot claim the legal protections and benefits that accrue to legal belligerents, such as prisoner of war status under the Third Geneva Convention of 1949*." Obama and the Democrats want to give Miranda Rights to these terrorists. . . ."you have the right to remain silent", etc.
Do you think these terrorist thugs give our Soldiers the courtesy of obeying the rules of the Geneva Convention? Only a soldier that has been there could tell of the horrors they witnessed at the hands of this enemy.
"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory'. . . .
Obama sure as hell wasn't worried about using the word "VICTORY" on election night was he?
Here's more of the article:
President Obama has put securing Afghanistan near the top of his foreign policy agenda, but "victory" in the war-torn country isn't necessarily the United States' goal, he said Thursday in a TV interview.
"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur," Obama told ABC News.
The enemy facing U.S. and Afghan forces isn't so clearly defined, he explained.
"We're not dealing with nation states at this point. We're concerned with Al Qaeda and the Taliban, Al Qaeda's allies," he said. "So when you have a non-state actor, a shadowy operation like Al Qaeda, our goal is to make sure they can't attack the United States."
Full article at:
*correction made 7/26/09. . . .I had put the wrong reference to the Geneva Convention in my previous article
Yellow vs. Blue Dog Democrat. . . .
I kept wondering. . . . What the heck is a "Blue Dog Democrat"? I have always heard my daddy say that he was a "Yellow Dog Democrat". Of course it is hard to change an 80 years old mind, but I keep trying. :) :) He is still a big believer in the "New Deal*" and "WPA" Program (Works Progress Administration) that was created under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which created jobs for Americans during the Great Depression. (now historians say the "New Deal" prolonged the Great Depression for many years)
Well, wonder no more, because according to here is the definitions of "Yellow Dog Democrat" and "Blue Dog Democrat" and the "New Deal". . . .(I like the "Blue Dog Democrats" the best, because they actually use the word "conservatism" and "accountability" and I didn't know any Democrat did that)
Yellow Dog Democrat: Commencing in the late 19th century, the term Yellow Dog Democrats was applied to U.S. Southern voters who voted solely for Democratic candidates because Abraham Lincoln was the Republican president who led the Union against the Confederacy, and so implies that they would "vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for any Republican". Currently, the term is now more generally applied to refer to any Democrat who will vote a straight Party ticket under any circumstances.
Blue Dog Democrat: The Democratic Blue Dog Coalition is a group of currently 52 moderate and conservative Democratic Party members of the United States House of Representatives, first formed in 1995. The Blue Dogs promote, among other things, fiscal conservatism and accountability.
*The New Deal was the name that United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave to a complex package of economic programs he effected between 1933 and 1935 with the goals of what historians call the 3 Rs, of giving Relief to the unemployed and badly hurt farmers, Reform of business and financial practices, and promoting Recovery of the economy during the Great Depression.
Most of the relief programs were shut down during World War II by the Conservative Coalition (i.e., the opponents of the New Deal in Congress). Many regulations were ended during the wave of deregulation from 1971 to 1999. Several New Deal programs remain active, with some still operating under the original names, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC), the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The largest programs still in existence today are the Social Security System, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Fannie Mae.
Saudi Arabian Justice?
6-Week-Old Ohio Baby Has Toes Bitten Off By Rats
Ohio (ChattahBox) - In a shameful case of apparent neglect, three people so far, have been arrested for child endangerment after police officers arrived at their mobile home to find that a six-week old baby had had it’s toes bitten off by rats.
Todd Trent, Joseph Gunter, and Tina Gunter have been charged with neglect, and are being held without bail. The mother, who is only 17, has not been official charged, though police have not said if they will rule it out.
Trent, the 18-year-old boyfriend but not the father, has claimed that it happened as he slept. But doctors at Nationwide Children’s Hospital told The Australian that the bites had gone back for some time, and that the child had been repeatedly attacked by the rodents.
The baby is in stable condition at a Columbus hospital, but has lost two of it’s toes.
3 children found starved in Dallas hotel bathroom
By JEFF CARLTON / Associated Press - Three children were kept in a hotel bathroom for about a year and were "horribly emaciated" when police found them earlier this month, authorities said. One claimed to have been repeatedly sexually assaulted.
The children's mother, 30-year-old Abneris Santiago, is charged with injury to a child. Her 37-year-old live-in boyfriend, Alfred Santiago, is charged with aggravated sexual assault and continuous sexual abuse.
According to an arrest affidavit, Abneris Santiago called police on July 2 and asked for help getting her children and belongings from the hotel. Officers found a healthy 1-year-old girl — the child of the Santiagos, Jamison said — in a crib.
Inside the bathroom, they found an 11-year-old girl, a 10-year-old boy and a 5-year-old boy — Abneris Santiago's children from other relationships, Jamison said. It was apparent the children suffered from "serious physical, emotional and mental neglect," according to the affidavit.
The 10-year-old was covered in bruises and all three were "horribly emaciated, underweight and malnourished," the affidavit said.
The 11-year-old told authorities that their mother left them with her boyfriend while she worked. She said they were allowed to leave the bathroom only when he took a shower and that they were regularly beaten and rarely fed.
The girl told police she had been sexually abused by her mother's boyfriend for at least three years. She described numerous rapes and said she was forced to perform oral sex on him. She also said the boyfriend threatened to kill her if she told her mother about the assaults.
The children were initially hospitalized for 10 days. The 10-year-old was hospitalized again recently, said Child Protective Services spokeswoman Marissa Gonzales. All four children are now in temporary foster care.
Abneris Santiago told police that Alfred Santiago did not care for her children because, according to him, "they were not his responsibility," the affidavit said.
"She just had a history of making poor judgments about her male companions," Jamison said. "I think ultimately the evidence will show that this man was controlling her and controlling the children."
He was with his sister and police when they went to the hotel. The children were so emaciated that they threw up when child protective workers first tried to feed them. The children's lips were dry, swollen and cracked, their ribs were protruding, and their cheeks and eyes were sunken into dark hollows.
To see the full articles go to:
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Dick Morris. . . .American Political Author and Commentator
In June 2009, He released Catastrophe: How Obama, Congress, And The Special Interests Are Transforming. . . .A Slump Into A Crash, Freedom Into Socialism, And A Disaster Into A Catastrophe. . . .And What To Do About It
Fast Forward to June 2010, Obama has been President for a year and a half, the Democrats have passed another Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package, the Cap and Trade bill and Obamacare. Unemployment and taxes are in the double digits and all the apologizing and empathizing didn't prevent Iran and North Korea from developing Nuclear Weapons. . . .Hey Dick Morris, here's a title for your next book:
"We're F**ked: And Not A Damn Thing We Can Do About it Now :) :)
Hopefully, The American people will soon rise up and demand that this President and Congress stop the Madness. The Republicans need to go back to being true Reagan Conservatives (no RINOs need apply), or we will show them how serious we are at the ballot box in 2012.
For Dick Morris articles go to:
Good for thee, but not for me. . . .
I'm sure tonite when I posted some of the quotes below on Facebook they had my "liberal" friends shooting blood out of their eye sockets in anger :) :) Brandee begs me not to post political/controversial material on Facebook but it is just too tempting. . . .Like I told her all they have to do is click the delete button. . . .Don't we still have free speech in this country? I guarantee, if Obamacare passes we'll be having alot scenes from the movie "John Q" going on in this country.
Go to and see all the articles tonite on Obamacare. . . .Can't wait for the Rush Limbaugh quotes tomorrow. . . .
Chelsea Schilling, - At the same time, Page 114 of the act (Obamacare) specifically exempts members of Congress from the public plan. . . . Democrats exempt themselves from own 'reform' . . . .
Bob Unruh, - Obamacare for old folks: Just 'cut your life short'. . . .
More Great articles: - Big Nanny Democrats want to ration health care for everyone in America – except those who break our immigration laws. Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee defeated an amendment that would have prevented illegal aliens from using the so-called “public health insurance option.” Every Democrat on the panel voted against the measure.
Glen Beck quotes - I mean, which is better: private school or public school? Private bathrooms or public bathrooms? Private health care or public health care?
If that socialized medicine is so good then why did he (Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi) have his 2006 heart surgery at America's Cleveland Clinic, instead of staying at home?
We get annoyed when it takes 45 minutes to see the doctor — at least we get to see one!,2933,533343,00.html
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Best Quotes from the Maha Rushie
"So I'm now up to 16 different ways I have to prove to the New York City and state tax authorities where I have been every day of the year. Meanwhile, Barack Obama has yet to have to prove he's a citizen."
"We have a deficit we can't pay off, we have unemployment about to go double-digit, and Obama wants to destroy the health insurance policies a huge majority of Americans have and like. He isn't rescuing anything; he's destroying it -- and he's doing it on purpose."
"The Democrats are dragging out people who had or have cancer to support their health care bill. Okay; how about we present those who have illnesses that won't get the procedures they need because Obama and the Democrats are going to be denying them?"
Would Obama Tell Ted Kennedy to Forego Surgery for a Painkiller?
Thank You Rush Limbaugh for more inspiring quotes so far this week. . . .
Monday, July 20, 2009
Today 40 Years Ago. . . .Man Walks on the Moon. . . .

Mom and Pop had taken us three kids (Jimbo, Bubba and I) in our little pull camper (the kind that came out before having a flushable toilet was even an option) to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park for vacation. We had a little 6-10 inch black and white TV (with aluminum foil on the antenna to get better reception), and as a large crowd gathered around we watched the unimaginable happen.
According to - The Apollo 11 mission was the first manned mission to land on the Moon. It was the fifth human spaceflight of Project Apollo and the third human voyage to the Moon. Launched on July 16, 1969, it carried Mission Commander Neil Alden Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Eugene 'Buzz' Aldrin, Jr. On July 20, Armstrong and Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the Moon, while Collins orbited above.
One of the most famous quotes in American history was when Neil Armstrong stepped off the Eagle's footpad and into history as the first human to set foot on another world, famously describing it as "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
President John F. Kennedy didn't live to see his dream come to life, but millions of people around the world enjoyed the fruits of his labor on this historic day 40 years ago.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
RIP Walter Cronkite. . . .

"Walter Cronkite was an icon of American journalism who shaped his profession in countless ways during his decades on the air. Tonight, his family is in our thoughts and prayers." — Former President George W. Bush.
RIP Walter Cronkite
2011 New Yorkers to be Taxed 60%. . . .

I believe if this were to happen in Red States like Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, etc. there would be demonstrations in the streets.
If any of you were wondering why all the "Tea Parties" are going around the country. . . .This is exactly why. . . .People are getting fed up with this government overspending. . . .Vice President Joe Biden said this week "We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt" Well evidently it isn't working in California. . . .they are having to give out IOU's.
President Obama promised that anyone making below $250,000 would not see a tax increase and if you believe that you better pull your head out of the sand or some other body orifice.
If any of you like re-distribution of wealth so much just send some money my way :) :)
Sotomayor on Self-Defense. . . .
Senator Coburn asked her "do you have a personal opinion, or can you give me your opinion, of whether or not in this county I personally, as an individual citizen, have a right to self defense?’ Sotomayor answered, ‘I — as I said, I don’t know."
Doesn't sound like a very wise Latina woman to me. . . .(In 2001 she stated that “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who Hasn’t lived that life.”)
Well, if she doesn't know if I have a right to self defense - I wonder what she believes in my a right to bear arms according to the 2nd amendment or many other critical issues that will go before her?
It is sad to say, but I predict she will be confirmed. The Democrats have a filibuster proof majority and you know there would be a few RINO's that would vote in this "wise Latina woman" too.
This Texas girl says again. . . .Sotomayor is "not fit to sit"
Friday, July 17, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Quote of the Day. . . .
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Universal Health Care or Bust. . . .
"Call your congressman or your senator and say, 'Hey, babe, are you going to give up your current plan for the public option that you are mandating that we join? You going to do that?' They won't.". . . .Rush Limbaugh
Right on Rush Limbaugh. . .you really tell it like it is. . . .
I just don't understand some of my Liberal family and friends when they make ignorant remarks like "health care can't get any worse than it already is" and "see how much I know about politics. . . .I didn't know they were even talking about Universal Health Care" Well you better learn before you have to wait six - eight months to get cancer treatment, or pull your own teeth because you can't get an appointment to the dentist, etc.
Do these people think Universal Health Care (1.3 Trillion dollars), Cap and Trade and all the other goodies Obama is pulling out of his bag of tricks is FREE? We are going to see tax increases like we have never seen before and if you believe it will only affect people making over $250k a year like Obama promised. . . . you better pull your head out of the sand.
GOP Cap and Traitors. . . .
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday's Rush Limbaugh Quotes. . . .
"The Gallup poll sees more Americans moving right, but don't get your hopes up on that -- it's just because it's physically impossible for us to go more left right now."
"I got into a big, knock-down, drag-out fight on my trip with someone who said, 'We need to go get the independents, we need to get the moderates.' I said, 'That's how we lose! That's how we got McCain !'"
More Apologizing from Washington. . . .
What the country needs now is a new bureaucracy to manage the growing appetite for apologies, amends and remedies for various other slights. The apology could be the lasting legacy of Barack Obama.
Apologies, as every wayward husband knows, are plentiful and cheap (and rarely effective). President Obama's major accomplishment so far is a speech apologizing to the Islamic world for nobody is quite sure what. Maybe it was for building the Twin Towers so tall that Al Qaeda just couldn't resist the temptation to take them down. Maybe it was an apology for saving Sunni Muslims in Bosnia, which offended Shi'ites. Or maybe it was for saving the Shi'ites, which irritated Sunnis. Maybe it was just for being an American in the first place; shame is the default position on the leftmost fringe of his party.
Read the full article here it is GREAT . . . . .
I don't know how I missed this apology on July 3rd. . . . Obama Apologizes for Declaration of Independence
Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past. . . . Tyron Edwards
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Miracle in Dallas. . . .
Well. . . .Today really brought everything into perspective. . . .As I swerved in and out of traffic from Richardson to Downtown Dallas during rush hour traffic, all I prayed was for my baby girl to be safe. After arriving and seeing she was alive and wondering how she had managed to crawl out of the smashed drivers side window. All I could do was run into her arms and give the praise to Jesus.
Keithy Boy and Brandee have both flipped and totaled a vehicle within the last month and walked away with minor injuries. Our family has been blessed with double Miracles. God has some great things in store for us, so Lord reveal your plans for us and Thank You for continuing to keep your hedge of protection around me and my family.
Material things can be replaced but the hugs and kisses from my family cannot, and now I realize all my other problems seem so small.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Another Secret Life Revealed. . . .
Steve McNair took his young lover on vacations to Las Vegas, Key West, California, Hawaii and bought her expensive gifts. According to her family, she was expecting him to leave his wife and to build a life with him. To find out that he was most likely murdered by his lover is a double tragedy for his wife and children and will no doubt tarnish their memory of him.
A marriage destroyed by an affair is tragic, but if married people who cheat would give their spouse the attention that they give their lovers then their marriage might be saved.
Always remember what you do in darkness will be revealed in the light.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. . . .Romans 3:23
RIP Steve McNair
Friday, July 03, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Cankle Awareness Month. . . .
Don't know what a "Cankle" is? It was best described this way in the movie Shallow Hal: "She's got no ankles. It's like the calf merged with the foot, cut out the middleman."
Something new to look for at the beach this summer along with: muffin tops, saddle bags, love handles and moobs (man boobs). etc. etc.
Now I just have to wonder when Obama will appoint a "Cankle Czar"?
Ex-Boxer beats Burglar. . . .

This is one of those great stories you read about.
This knife-wielding drunken fool, Gregory McCalium 24, decided to burglarize a home in Botley, Oxford in the UK. This loser attacked a 72 year old man and his wife and as it turns out the man he attacked was a 72 year old former boxer. The old man did this amount of damage with just two punches and stopped the guy in his tracks, while they waited for police.
Moral of this story: Watch who you f**k with, he may have been old, but he still had power in his punch. Way to go Frank Corti.
Gregory McCalium was sentenced to 4 1/2 years in jail for aggravated burgulary.
America or Russia?
Drug Czar, US Border Czar, Urban Czar, Regulatory Czar, Energy Czar, Infotech Czar, Faith-based Czar, Health Reform Czar, AIDS Czar, Bank Bailout Czar, Car Czar, Climate Czar, Economic Czar, Green Jobs Czar, Intelligence Czar, Pay Czar, Non-Proliferation Czar, Tarp Czar, Stimulus Accountability Czar, Iran Czar, Middle East Czar, Persian Gulf/Southeast Asia Czar, Science/Weather Czar, Gitmo Closure Czar, War Czar, WMD & Terrorism Czar, Sudan Czar, Afghanistan Czar, Pakistan Czar, Domestic Violence Czar, Compensation Czar and coming soon Cyber-Security Czar
According to "Czardom does not sit well with Senator Robert Byrd. Though slowed by age, the West Virginia Democrat remains vigorous in his defense of the powers ceded to the Congress by the Constitution. He said he believes czars are a slick way of governing without having to answer to Congress. There is no Constitutional requirement that czars undergo those pesky Senate confirmation hearings. Czars are accountable to no one except the administration"
Good Lord, I actually agree with Robert Byrd in West Virginia. . .. . now that's a scary thought. Why in the 233 years that America has been in existence do we need so many Czars now? Read the names of these Czars, looks like a lot of big brother's are now watching you.
According to . . . .George Bush had 1 War Czar.
Here is the definition of Czar (Tzar) according to . . . which definition is this administration using #2 or #3?
Czar definition: 1) Russian Emperor before 1917, 2) Tyrant or autocrat or 3) Somebody in authority, somebody given authority, especially for dealing with a particular issue or problem.
Great Rush Limbaugh Quotes Today. . . .
"So you just heard Obama say, 'We've made important progress in supporting a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq.' You didn't support a sovereign, stable, self-reliant Iraq! You said it was impossible, Mr. President! You said the surge wouldn't work.
"You could legalize rape and call it the Civil Rights Act of 2009, and it would probably pass. Well, who would have the guts to vote against something with 'civil rights' in the title?"
"How in the world can any sane, credible economist or financial analyst predict an economic recovery with cap and trade and nationalized health care lurking to be passed? Folks, there will be no such thing as a private sector economic recovery if either or one of those two pieces of legislation gets signed into law."