To my Momma - I am so blessed to have you as my Mom, and humbled that God chose me to be your daughter. You have stood beside me through the many trials and triumphs in my life, and have been there for me if I ever needed a shoulder to cry on or just someone to laugh at my silliness. We have celebrated the births of my babies and mourned your parents deaths. Together we have witnessed the cycle of life with both joy and sadness, and have been there for each other. Every year I look more and more like you, which is fine by me, because on the inside and out you are BEAUTIFUL.
P.S. Have you ever forgiven me for swimming off and leaving you snorkeling when those giant fish showed up in the Bahamas?
To Brandee and Jon-Jon - I am so proud to be your Momma. You are my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night. I know you will both be able to reach your goals and succeed in life and I am proud that I had a part of that. Brandee I know you will be a great sportscaster and Jon-Jon, as a fireman you will be someone's hero like you have always been mine. We have countless memories together, and may God bless us with many, many more. I Love you both unconditionally, and I pray that I will always be the Momma that you are proud of.
To other Mothers - If you didn't have a Momma like mine and God has blessed you with children, start today trying to be that special Mom to your kids, because in the blink of an eye they will be grown and they will need those special memories that you have created to make them feel unique and special.