Obama announced yesterday that by 2016 the new fuel standards for cars and trucks is 35 mpg. The only way this is even possible is for all of us to be driving the little "smart" car. (of course this won't include the politicians and the rich) I think the cars are cute, but when you figure in safety "what the hell are they thinking" We will be sacrificing lives, for fuel. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that a plastic car isn't as safe as an SUV, Humvee or Pickup truck. When I look at these cars I expect to see little feet underneath like on the Flintstones.
Future. . . .2016: We all have purchased these "smart" cars and cut our gas consumption to less than half of what we were spending in 2009. We are no longer totally dependent on foreign oil and we have a lot more money in our pockets. Highway fatalities are up, but the smog is clearing in LA. . . .All is good in the world.
Reality: You think the government will be happy losing all this fuel tax revenue? Where will the money come from to repair roads and highways if we are not paying massive amounts of fuel taxes? This is already happening in California and they want to start taxing cars by the number of miles driven. They want to put a special meter on your car and on the pump and it will actually charge you more if you happen to have driven your miles during rush hour. So no matter what WE CANNOT WIN. . . . .
In the Movie "Class Action" with Gene Hackman, the bean counters determined it was cheaper to pay out money in lawsuits for injuries and deaths than to recall and fix the defective parts on cars" Are the bean counters in Washington doing the same thing? Are they willing to sacrifice American lives to please the global warming kooks?
The United States has enough oil on our lands and in our oceans so I say. . . .DRILL HERE . . . DRILL NOW