Saturday, October 24, 2009

Elimination of a Tax Decrease. . . .

Listen to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's spin when asked in this video:

What about the Bush tax cuts, Bartiromo asked, suggesting that allowing them to expire essentially will be a tax increase.

Pelosi responded “it wasn’t a tax increase it is it is ah ah ah . . . .it is eliminating a tax decrease that was there. . . ."

Are you kidding me. . . . .Eliminating a Tax Decrease is a Tax Increase. . . .What kind of fools do these people take us for?

With unemployment at nearly 10 percent (Worse showing in 26 years), Pelosi was asked by CNBC's Maria Bartiromo, 'what is it gonna take to get Americans working again?

Pelosi also stated:  "It's going to take a major investment in health care, in energy, in education''

When a democrat uses the word "investment" it is their code word for new taxes!

The "Bush" tax breaks are BAD! but the various laundry list of tax breaks for the "Pelosi" democrats are GOOD! Raising taxes during a recession is the surest way to send this economy over a cliff. . .

Obamacare and the Cap and Trade bill is going to cost the American tax payers TRILLIONS of dollars, and thousands of jobs too.